Economic Vitality Project: Community Scorecard
31 Jan 2025
Our vision is for Monroe County, Bloomington, and Ellettsville to be an epicenter for innovation and creativity in the state and in our region of the country. This will be the breakaway community of choice for employers, innovators, individuals, and families… as a community where everyone can thrive.
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As our workforce ages, employers are developing proactive strategies to ensure long-term sustainability. The BEDC recently hosted a panel of industry leaders to discuss workforce trends and creative solutions. We were joined by: Kendall Glavash, Smithville Vice President of Human Resources; Kent Rodgers, CarDon President and CEO; and Kristopher Subler,...
Our people are our strength. Monroe County is a hub on the innovation and talent corridor that runs from Indianapolis to NSWC Crane, at the crossroads of thec orridor that connects Brown County to Owen County. Over 93,000 individuals working in Monroe County. While roughly 17% of Monroe County’s workforce...
Communitiesleverage planning and zoning to anticipate future needs and adapt to demographic and economicchanges. Comprehensive plans with zoning codes, maps, and ordinances guide development andregulate a community’s land use. This ensures land is used in ways that are consistent with acommunity's vision and goals for growth, safety, and quality of...