The Transformative Power of Capital Expenditures: Benefits for the Community
16 Jul 2023
How do you measure impact in economic development?
In past columns, we've explored various aspects of economic development, which fosters conditions for prosperity in a community. The BEDC supports the growth of traded sector companies and the jobs they offer - these are companies that sell goods and services outside of the region to bring money into our community, such as Cook Group, Oliver Winery, Catalent, TASUS, and others. That revenue is then circulated among our local businesses. We help grow existing employers and attract new ones.
One way we measure the impact of our economic development projects is through capital expenditures - these are company investments in land, buildings, and equipment in local facilities. Capital expenditures play a vital role in the growth and development of communities. These investments contribute to the overall welfare of the community by fostering economic progress, improving infrastructure, enhancing quality of life, and promoting sustainability.