Spring Sprout Food Systems Series at People's Co-op Market

First United Church 2420 E 3rd st Bloomington, IN 474042420 E 3rd st
Bloomington, IN, IN 47404
People's Co-op Market presents: Spring Sprout Food Systems Series March 27th - March 30th 2025 at First United Church 2420 E 3rd St, Bloomington, IN 47404 Join us for a 4 days of events including natural dying, food demos, recipe and seed swaps, film screenings, presentations from food service organizations and food producers, Q&A panel, and roundtable community food accessibility discussions. with artisans & local food vendors www.peoplesmarketbtown.org email: peoplesmarketmanager@gmail.com
There are always worthwhile and exciting things happening here. Don't miss out.